Initial experiences with the new Canon EOS R5

You are currently viewing Initial experiences with the new Canon EOS R5

So, now I was able to spend some days with the new Canon EOS R5. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I only had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take some “wildlife” pic­tures of the bird life in my gar­den at home. You can find some pic­tures in this article.

But first I start­ed to con­fig­ure the cam­era, which was very com­plex due to the very exten­sive range of settings.

Configuration - What did I change?

I have been using Canon DSLR cam­eras for many years and have grad­u­al­ly opti­mized the menu set­tings for my pur­pos­es. For­tu­nate­ly, the new EOS R5 has also inher­it­ed many of the options of its old­er mir­rored pre­de­ces­sors, so I was able to restore my famil­iar con­fig­u­ra­tion as far as pos­si­ble. This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant to me because I want to keep using my EOS 5DS R with­out hav­ing to con­stant­ly rethink the han­dling. In the main, I have con­fig­ured the fol­low­ing set­tings in the menu of the EOS 5R:

Image quality (SHOOT1)

I only shoot in RAW for­mat, so I select­ed RAW as image qual­i­ty in the menu. In the RAW-for­mat, all infor­ma­tion of the chip is saved, what allows an exten­sive post pro­cess­ing of the pic­tures in the max­i­mum pos­si­ble qual­i­ty on the com­put­er at home. My stan­dard appli­ca­tion for edit­ing and man­ag­ing my images is Adobe Light­room Clas­sic*, that I already use for many years (since ver­sion 1.0).

I do not yet have any great expe­ri­ence with the com­pressed and much more space-sav­ing cRAW for­mat offered by the EOS R5, my pre­vi­ous EOS DSLR cam­eras did not sup­port it. The Canon RAW for­mat was already com­pressed before, but with­out a loss of image infor­ma­tion. The new cRAW for­mat now allows a small loss of infor­ma­tion. At first glance, how­ev­er, the image qual­i­ty hard­ly seems to suf­fer but the files become about 40% small­er, which also increas­es the num­ber of pos­si­ble shots until the buffer is filled.

By the way, Sony Alpha 7R cam­eras com­press their RAW files lossy by default, but this does­n’t bring any vis­i­ble dis­ad­van­tages. JPEG files are also always lossy compressed.

In RAW for­mat, the cam­era can take at least 45 frames at 20 frames/second accord­ing to the dis­play in the viewfind­er and at least 84 frames at 20 frames/second in cRAW for­mat before they are writ­ten to the card. The record­ing speed after­wards depends on the writ­ing speed of the mem­o­ry card. With my Wise 512GB CFex­press Card, the speed after the inter­nal buffer ist filled, remains at 5-7 fps in RAW and 13-14 fps in cRAW.

A detailed com­par­i­son between Canon RAW and cRAW can be found at

ISO speed settings (SHOOT2)

I usu­al­ly work with Auto ISO. Here I left the default Auto range of 100-12800, as the EOS R5 gives good results even at high ISO values:

Euro­pean robin (Sig­ma 60-600 bei 600mm, f6.3, 1/1000, ISO 5000)

Shutter mode(SHOOT6)

I have includ­ed this menu item in the quick menu, since it has to be changed frequently.

The EOS R5 achieves the fastest pos­si­ble con­tin­u­ous shoot­ing speed of 20 frames per sec­ond and is com­plete­ly silent only in ful­ly elec­tron­ic mode. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it is not pos­si­ble to set a slow­er speed, you can either choose 20 frames/second or sin­gle frame mode. The down­side of the elec­tron­ic shut­ter is that a dis­tor­tion of fast mov­ing objects, the so called rolling shut­ter, can occur. In arti­fi­cial light there can be stripes in the image and the dynam­ic range might be slight­ly reduced because the sen­sor is only read with 12bit. So I use the ful­ly elec­tron­ic mode only for action sequences / wildlife with­out arti­fi­cial light or if the cam­era should remain as incon­spic­u­ous as possible.

Für alle langsameren sta­tis­chen Auf­nah­men ist hinge­gen der mech­a­nis­che Ver­schluss zu bevorzu­gen, Blitzen geht nur mit ihm. Ich ver­wende ihn meist. Er erre­icht bei Bedarf aber auch eine Serien­bildgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 12 Bildern/ Sekunde. 

Disp. performance (SHOOT8)

I always set it to “smooth”, i.e. 120Hz, as the pic­ture in the viewfind­er is much more sta­ble, espe­cial­ly when pan­ning, and sub­jects can be fol­lowed more eas­i­ly. It uses a bit more pow­er for this. Any­way, the viewfind­er: The res­o­lu­tion is now so high, that for the first time I no longer miss the opti­cal viewfind­er of a clas­sic DSLR. In the dark, the view through the viewfind­er is even bet­ter (because it is much brighter) than with a DSLR.


Since firmware ver­sion 1.5.0, there has been an addi­tion­al menu item “Sup­press low­er frame rate”, which dis­plays a much smoother viewfind­er image in dark envi­ron­ments. Be sure to acti­vate it by press­ing the “Info” button!

AF operation (AF1)

As usu­al, I set the AF mode to “SERVO-AF” because I always sep­a­rate the focus from the shut­ter release. So, if I don’t want to change a focus any­more, I just take my thumb off the AF-ON but­ton and have the same effect as in “ONE SHOT” mode. With the EOS R5, I’ m now using the AF method for face detec­tion and track­ing by default. I match the pri­or­i­ty of the Scene Recog­ni­tion to the shoot­ing sit­u­a­tion (Ani­mals in the zoo and on safari, Peo­ple at fam­i­ly events). I have the eye recog­ni­tion always acti­vat­ed, which is one of the great strengths of the EOS R5. The con­tin­u­ous AF remains switched off.

Servo AF (AF3)

Here it is worth exper­i­ment­ing a lit­tle for your own shoot­ing sit­u­a­tions. I have cur­rent­ly set “Case 2”, and in doing so have fur­ther reduced the AI ser­vo response to -2, so that the focus sticks to the sub­ject once captured.

Switching tracked subjects (AF4)

To increase the “stick­ing” to the sub­ject even more, I have entered “0” (Dis­able) here.

Initial Servo AF pt for face & tracking (AF5)

Here I select­ed the mid­dle option, which starts the AF search at the last used spot field. This makes it eas­i­er to select the per­son to focus on, when there are sev­er­al peo­ple in the picture.

Customize buttons (C.Fn3)

As I am used to for years, I changed the but­ton assign­ment to back­but­ton focus­ing. Now the shut­ter release only serves for meter­ing and tak­ing pic­tures. Focus­ing is start­ed sep­a­rate­ly by the cor­re­spond­ing thumb but­ton “AF-ON”. I have been using this method on all my cam­eras for many years.

A spe­cial fea­ture of the Canon EOS R5 is its intel­li­gent focus algo­rithm, which rec­og­nizes peo­ple, ani­mals, heads, faces and eyes. To be able to react quick­ly, I there­fore select­ed even three seper­ate thumb-but­tons for focus­ing this time. My stan­dard mode is now the intel­li­gent sub­ject recog­ni­tion with -track­ing, I have put this func­tion on the “AE Lock but­ton” (*) but­ton in the middle.

Addi­tion­al­ly, I con­fig­ured the focus­ing on a freely selec­table spot focus field on the left side “AF-ONbut­ton. This mode is very help­ful to focus exact­ly through a tree gap or fence, for exam­ple. So I can select both modes very quick­ly depend­ing on the shoot­ing sit­u­a­tion. Often I use the “AF-ON” but­ton to focus on a sub­ject at first and then switch to the “AE Lock but­ton” (*) but­ton to fol­low it up.

I have now assigned the third but­ton, “AF Point but­ton” (right side), to the Eye Detec­tion AF func­tion, which search­es the entire viewfind­er image for peo­ple, faces and eyes. This is some­times help­ful for a quick snapshot.

So now I have three sep­a­rate but­tons to select the focus mode, which cov­er more and more areas of the viewfind­er from left to right.

To achieve this func­tion­al­i­ty, I have con­fig­ured the fol­low­ing set­tings in the “Cus­tomize but­tons” menu:

Shutter button half-pressed

As men­tioned above, I do not use the shut­ter release to focus, I do this sep­a­rate­ly with my thumb on the “AF-ON” but­ton. There­fore I have select­ed Mea­sure­ment Start here. Alter­na­tive­ly, the “*” (AE lock while but­ton pressed) can be select­ed. In this case, the expo­sure con­trol is saved and used for all fol­low­ing shots until the shut­ter but­ton is released com­plete­ly. How­ev­er, this has some­times cost me a few shots in con­tin­u­ous shoot­ing series, e.g. when ani­mals moved from shad­ow to sun­ny areas and the shots were sud­den­ly com­plete­ly over­ex­posed. Since then, I leave it at ” Meter­ing start”.


This but­ton allows me to focus on small sub­jects through gaps, for exam­ple a small bird in a tree. The fol­low­ing set­tings in the detailed set­tings via the “Info” but­ton allow this:

  • AF mode: Servo
  • AF meth­ode: Spot AF
  • Ser­vo AF characteristics:maintain cur­rent setting

AE Lock button (*)

For this but­ton I have select­ed the first menu item ” Meter­ing and AF Start”. In the detailed set­ting, which is opened by press­ing the “INFO” but­ton, I have set:

  • AF mode: Servo
  • AF method: face detect and tracking
  • Ser­vo AF char­ac­ter­is­tics: - main­tain cur­rent setting

In this mode, you can first posi­tion the small vis­i­ble AF area in the viewfind­er where you want to focus. If a face is there, the cam­era tries to locate the eyes and focus on them. This is also very help­ful with birds:

Eurasian blue tit (400mm with 1,4 Exten­der, 560mm f4.0, 1/125, ISO 125)

The ini­tial focus field also allows you to select the per­son or ani­mal to be focused on from sev­er­al peo­ple or ani­mals. As long as the AE Lock but­ton (*) is pressed, the focus remains locked on the select­ed subject.

AF point button

In the mean­time I have also assigned a third but­ton for the AF, the “AF point but­ton”. Since I can reach the AF field selec­tion com­fort­ably via the Q-Menu and use this func­tion only extreme­ly rarely, I don’t need the but­ton for this any­more. Instead, I have now assigned the Eye Detec­tion AF to this but­ton. In con­trast to the func­tion of the “AE-Lock” but­ton, which I described above, the Eye Detec­tion AF takes the entire viewfind­er image into account and does not start from the pre­set focus field. This func­tion is help­ful for snap­shots when things have to be done very quickly.

SET button

I have assigned the loupe func­tion to the “Set” but­ton in the mid­dle of the back dial.


The small joy­stick called “mul­ti-con­troller” to the right of the viewfind­er is used, among oth­er things, to move the focus point. For rea­sons that I have not been able to under­stand for years, this use­ful func­tion is deac­ti­vat­ed by default in Canon cam­eras. To use the joy­stick to select the focus point, the AF field but­ton on the right cam­era shoul­der must always be pressed first in the basic set­ting. There­fore I have always acti­vat­ed the option “Direct selec­tion AF field”.

Initial findings

After the con­fig­u­ra­tion, it went into the gar­den for the first tests, for which some gar­den birds had to serve. Some results are shown above. All in all I am very impressed by the han­dling and the image qual­i­ty of the camera.


As writ­ten above, the EOS R5’s elec­tron­ic viewfind­er is excel­lent. The res­o­lu­tion is so high, that I can’t see any pix­els. I think that any­one who looks through it with­out any bias will not see much dif­fer­ence to the viewfind­er of a DSLR. Last evening, I took my 5DS R again and was shocked by how dark the opti­cal viewfind­er is in the twi­light - this is where the elec­tron­ic viewfind­er of the R5 clear­ly scores. In com­par­i­son with my SONY Alpha 7R III, which I have been using up to now, the very low switch-on delay of the Canon EOS R5 of less than one sec­ond is also very wel­come. With the Sony, I some­times had the feel­ing of miss­ing a shot until it was ready for use.


Aut­o­fo­cus is cer­tain­ly one of the EOS R5’s killer fea­tures. Dur­ing my exper­i­ments with those small gar­den birds, it almost was glued to them. After a few moments, the cam­era rec­og­nized the eyes and moved the focus with incred­i­ble speed, even when tak­ing a series of shots at 20 frames per sec­ond! The num­ber of mis­fo­cus­es pic­tures was almost non-exis­tent - this is a huge progress.


Since I already own a lot of EF lens­es and want to still use my Canon EOS 5DS R at least as a sec­ond body, I ordered noth­ing more than the EF-R mount adapter for the cam­era. At first, I plan to con­tin­ue using my exist­ing lens­es with this adapter.

Well, the good news: all the lens­es I’ve tried so far work at least as well as on the EOS 5DS R.

And the best is yet to come: on all EF lens­es, the R5’s sen­sor-based sta­bi­liz­er (IBIS) is avail­able in addi­tion. For the lens­es with­out built-in sta­bi­liz­er (like my 85mm f/1.2 or even the TS-E 17mm), the sen­sor sta­bi­lizes all axes. But even the EF lens­es with built-in opti­cal sta­bi­liz­er gain addi­tion­al ben­e­fit from the IBIS. In addi­tion to the axes, which the opti­cal sta­bi­liz­er sta­bi­lizes, the sen­sor takes care of X/Y and roll movements.


For lens­es with­out IS, you can turn the IBIS on or off in the menu, for lens­es with IS, the cor­re­spond­ing switch on the lens is used for this purpose.

The 85 f1.2L II USM is now even more fun to use. In addi­tion to the in-body-sta­bi­liza­tion, the focus is now exact­ly on the eyes in all por­traits. With the DSLRs, I always had more than 50% waste at open aper­ture, because the phase con­trast AF was not accu­rate enough.

The 17mm TS-E is much more fun to use with mir­ror­less cam­eras any­way, because the result of the tilt/shift adjust­ment can now be viewed through the elec­tron­ic viewfind­er. With DSLR bod­ies, the opti­cal viewfind­er shows strong vignetting when the lens axes are adjust­ed, only the mon­i­tor in live view is usable. When the sun is shin­ing, it is dif­fi­cult to see any­thing on the mon­i­tor. In addi­tion, it can­not be moved on the 5D and 7D bod­ies. By the way, the TS-E was an major rea­son for my inter­mez­zo with the adapt­ed Sony Alpha 7R I-III bod­ies - but now I can do all this)with a Canon cam­era again 😉 . Very use­ful with the TS-E (and all oth­er man­u­al lens­es) is also the great focus assist tool of the R5, which can be dis­played in the viewfind­er. It reminds me of the split image indi­ca­tors from old ana­log times.

My Sig­ma 60-600 f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports* - Zoom also works great on the adapter, I took the pic­ture of the robin above with it - hand­held at 600mm. The eye AF also works very well with this lens. The focus area is slight­ly lim­it­ed, how­ev­er, it still cov­ers about 80% of the frame ver­ti­cal­ly and hor­i­zon­tal­ly. But this is still far more than with Canon DSLR cameras:

AF area with the Sig­ma 60-600

The EF 400mm f2.8L II IS USM - fan­tas­tic with or with­out extender!

After my good expe­ri­ences with the lens on the Sony a7R III, I have now bought the Samyang AF 14/2.8 again. Because I want to use it on my EOS 5DS R as well, I decid­ed to choose the EF ver­sion. I have pub­lished fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the lens in a sep­a­rate report.


Every new cam­era requires new acces­sories, which should be con­sid­ered when buying.


It’ s nice that the EOS R5 can use any exist­ing bat­ter­ies of the EOS 5D/ 7D series. The some­what new­er LP-E6N bat­ter­ies, of which I for­tu­nate­ly already own three, can even be charged in the cam­era via USB-C, the cur­rent LP-E6NH, which comes with the cam­era and has a slight­ly high­er capac­i­ty, any­way. With the even old­er LP-E6 bat­ter­ies, this is prob­a­bly not possible.

Due to the exor­bi­tant­ly high price of the orig­i­nal Canon bat­ter­ies, I bought addi­tion­al cloned bat­ter­ies. After exten­sive research on the Inter­net, I ordered two Blumax bat­ter­ies*, because these should be high­ly com­pat­i­ble with the orig­i­nals. The bat­ter­ies have arrived in the mean­time and work per­fect­ly in my cam­era. In the EOS R5’s ” Bat­tery info” menu they are rec­og­nized as LP-E6NH bat­ter­ies and can also be reg­is­tered in the cam­era with their own iden­ti­fi­ca­tion number.

Charg­ing works both in cam­era by USB-C, as well as in the orig­i­nal Canon charg­er up to 100%. Both bat­ter­ies show three green bars in the bat­tery sta­tus menu of my cam­era. Accord­ing to the label, the capac­i­ty of the Blumax bat­ter­ies with 2040 mAh is close to the capac­i­ty of the new LP-E6NH bat­ter­ies (2130 mAh). I can­not check if this is real­ly true, but so far my ini­tial impres­sion is pos­i­tive. But they also deliv­er (unlike oth­er repli­cas, which are only rec­og­nized as old LP-E6 bat­ter­ies) enough pow­er for the fast con­tin­u­ous shoot­ing modes of the R5 / R6. When using the “H+” mode, the sym­bol in the viewfind­er appears green accord­ing­ly, which means, that 12 fps with mechan­i­cal shut­ter can be reached.

Since the mir­ror­less cam­eras always need more pow­er than DSLR cam­eras, I also ordered the Bat­tery grip BG-R10*, which can be used with two batteries.

As I wrote above, the cam­era can also be charged or oper­at­ed via USB-C. But for this it needs a pow­er sup­ply unit with PD - (Pow­er-Deliv­ery) - func­tion. I there­fore ordered the Anker Pow­er­Port 5-Port USB C Charg­er 60W*, which allows simul­ta­ne­ous charg­ing of mul­ti­ple devices like mobile phones or tablets via 4 addi­tion­al inte­grat­ed USB-A sockets.

As an alter­na­tive for peo­ple on the road, it is also pos­si­ble to charge or oper­ate the cam­era via a pow­er bank. It is impor­tant that it also has a PD (Pow­er Deliv­ery) func­tion. For this pur­pose, I have pur­chased the POWERADD Power­bank Ener­gy­cell II 26800mAh Pow­er Bank PD 30W*, which allows the cam­era to be charged sev­er­al times with­out any prob­lems. It also con­tains two more USB-A ports, which can be used to charge a cell phone or tablet at the same time.

PS: If the POWERADD Ener­gy­cell II is cur­rent­ly not avail­able, there are also many oth­er PD-capa­ble pow­er banks* with dif­fer­ent capac­i­ties avao­lable on amazon.

In addi­tion, the USB-C cable used must have a USB-C plug on both sides and must also be PD-com­pat­i­ble. Suit­able USB-C cables are avail­able in dif­fer­ent lengths e.g. from ama­zon* or eBay*.

Memory cards

The EOS R5 fea­tures two mem­o­ry card slots. In the SD card slot, I use my exist­ing 128GB SD cards. But if speed is impor­tant or if you want to film in 8K-RAW, even the fastest SD UHS-II cards are not fast enough and a new CFex­press Card is needed.

Even if I only film very lit­tle - but I would like to try it. Fur­ther­more, it is pos­si­ble to take out sin­gle frames from an 8k movie with up to 30 frames per sec­ond, which then still have a res­o­lu­tion of 35 megapix­els. Thus, the EOS R5 even allows con­tin­u­ous shoot­ing at 30 frames per sec­ond with full auto focus!

But not all CFex­press cards are capa­ble of pro­vid­ing the nec­es­sary speed. Although the label always promis­es suf­fi­cient speeds of more than 1000MB/s, only the larg­er cards (> 512GB) can main­tain this speed over a longer peri­od of time, which is nec­es­sary for video record­ing. Since the usu­al flash chips cur­rent­ly store about 128GB, cards with a size of 512GB and above usu­al­ly have at least 4 chips to which they can write simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, they are there­fore much faster than the small cards with only one or two flash chips. The small­er cards there­fore become slow­er once their inter­nal buffer is filled, and the 8K RAW record­ing will stop. As the CFex­press cards are thanks to the new release of the Canon EOS R5 sud­den­ly very much in demand, the prices change quick­ly, a com­par­i­son e.g. at eBay* is there­fore very worthwhile.

After a long time of research I decid­ed to buy a CFex­press card from Wise with 512GB*, which offered by far the best price/performance ratio with a price of about 400,-€ (I have found a spe­cial offer). In a short test, I was able to record 16 min­utes of 8K-RAW on it, until the cam­era stopped due to over­heat­ing. The record­ed file had a size of 300GB! I can high­ly rec­om­mend the card. More 512GB CFex­press cards are avail­able here at ama­zon*.

As a card read­er I bought a San­Disk Extreme PRO CFex­press Card Read­er*. Con­trary to some reviews at ama­zon, it works with­out any prob­lems for me. The reviews seem to refer to a mechan­i­cal prob­lem with the first ver­sion of the read­er, which has now been fixed.

I lat­er bought anoth­er read­er in addi­tion to the San­disk CFex­press Read­er for use on the road. The San­disk read­er works very well, but is very bulky, com­pa­ra­ble in size to a com­put­er mouse. I then dis­cov­ered a new read­er from Rock­etek at an unbeat­able price on ama­zon and ordered it in addi­tion. I have writ­ten anoth­er short report about it here.

Screen protector

As with the Touch-Dis­plays of my Sonys, I attached a screen pro­tec­tor to the R5, because the dis­play is also more stressed by the swiv­el move­ment than the fixed mount­ed dis­play of the Canon 5DS R. I decid­ed then to use the safe­ty glass from Kinokoo*, because this was the first one avail­able. The set con­tains two dis­play glass­es for the main and shoul­der dis­play, as well as microfiber and clean­ing cloths.

The pro­tec­tive glass­es can be eas­i­ly applied and adhere adhae­sive­ly to the diplays with­out any prob­lems. Below are a few pic­tures of the set and the mount­ed pro­tec­tive glasses:

The glass is only 0.3mm thick and does not hin­der the com­plete fold­ing of the dis­play towards the cam­era. It makes a very valu­able impres­sion, and accord­ing to Kinokoo, it has a hard­ness of 9H, cor­re­spond­ing to the GGS glass, that I used on my Sonys before. The touch oper­a­tion of the dis­play is not affect­ed by the pro­tec­tive glass either.


I am com­plete­ly hap­py with the cam­era. The han­dling is, as expect­ed from Canon, first-class intu­itive, the build qual­i­ty is flaw­less and it inte­grates seam­less­ly into my exist­ing sys­tem. The Sony bod­ies, which I had used in the mean­time, were always a com­pro­mise solu­tion, despite increas­ing­ly bet­ter adapters - but to be fair, I have to say that I also took some won­der­ful pic­tures with them. With the release of the Sony Alpha 7R IV, I had even briefly con­sid­ered a com­plete sys­tem change.

But now I am back at Canon at 100%. I hope this report helps one or the oth­er to make a pur­chase deci­sion or to con­fig­ure this great cam­era. I would be glad about com­ments or fur­ther questions.

Further informative articles

You can find many more inter­est­ing field reports about the Canon EOS R5 here on my website:

Canon EOS R5 - Autofocus in Action

The aut­o­fo­cus of the Canon EOS R5 is a sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment com­pared to the sys­tems of the SLR pre­de­ces­sors. How does it behave with ani­mals in motion?

With my Canon EOS R5 at the zoo

Here I test­ed the aut­o­fo­cus with var­i­ous species in the zoo. I was par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in the ani­mal eye aut­o­fo­cus - it real­ly works impres­sive­ly well!

Focus Stacking with Canon EOS R5 and R6

Both the Canon Eos R5 and R6 now offer a focus brack­et­ing func­tion. With this func­tion, the cam­era takes sev­er­al images in quick suc­ces­sion and shifts the focal plane between them in defined small steps. In post-pro­cess­ing, these can then be com­bined into one image with an extend­ed focus area. This process is called focus stack­ing. In my report I explain the advan­tages of this method and which soft­ware is need­ed for post-processing.

Focus Stacking with the Canon EOS R5 - Settings

In this arti­cle, I took a clos­er look at the focus brack­et­ing options of the EOS R5 and R6.

Denoising with DxO PhotoLab 4

The new sen­sor of the EOS R5 is a major advance­ment com­pared to Canon’s pre­de­ces­sor sen­sors in terms of dynam­ic range and also noise reduc­tion. Nev­er­the­less, it is of course not noise-free, espe­cial­ly at high­er ISO val­ues, so that noise reduc­tion still remains nec­es­sary in post-pro­cess­ing at high­er ISO val­ues. In this arti­cle, I test­ed the con­ver­sion of EOS R5 RAW files using the DxO Pho­to­Lab RAW con­vert­er and its built-in Deep­PRIME algo­rithm, and com­pared it to the noise reduc­tion in Adobe Light­room. DxO’s Deep­PRIME uses an exten­sive­ly trained arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence algo­rithm to remove image noise and pro­duces tru­ly amaz­ing results.

EF Lenses and EF-RF Mount Adapters

Comparison of the EF and RF version of the 24-105 f/4L IS on the Canon EOS R5

Comparison of the Canon RF 24-105 f/4L with the EF 24-70 f/2.8L II on the EOS R5

The Canon EF mount is alive - the EF 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM on the EOS R5

Drop-In Filter Mount Adapter EF-EOS R with C-PL Polfilter

These four reports deal with the lens­es for the EOS R5. Does it always have to be new RF mount lens­es, or can you also eas­i­ly use the EF lens­es that you may already have or that are avail­able sec­ond-hand at a rea­son­able price? What pos­si­bil­i­ties do the Canon Mount Adapers EF-EOS R offer?

More Canon EOS R5 relat­ed articles

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