Japan 2023

In Feb­ru­ary 2023, we trav­eled to Japan again for 2 1/2 weeks. The rea­son was a vis­it of our younger daugh­ter, who had spent a semes­ter abroad in Tsuku­ba near Tokyo as part of her Japanol­o­gy stud­ies. We had already vis­it­ed Japan in 2014 also to pick up a daugh­ter, her elder sis­ter, who had pre­vi­ous­ly been in Osa­ka for 3 months for an intern­ship. At that time we were depen­dent on local guides. Alone we felt very lost.

This time the trip was a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence under the guid­ance of our daugh­ter, who was famil­iar with the lan­guage and the local cul­ture. We were able to immerse our­selves so much more in the “real Japan”, learned more about the coun­try, habits and tra­di­tions and no longer felt like help­less aliens as we did in 2014.

We met up with our daugh­ter in Tokyo, where we stayed for 5 nights. After that we vis­it­ed Hiroshi­ma and Kyō­to and from there we went to Mount Fuji with a rental car. I took more than 6,000 pho­tos on the trip. A selec­tion of them can be seen here.

Japan is definitely worth a trip!

For all those who are inter­est­ed in a vis­it to the “Land of the Ris­ing Sun” them­selves, I have also cre­at­ed a very exten­sive trav­el report with lots of infor­ma­tion and addi­tion­al pictures.

In addi­tion, I have cre­at­ed a new month­ly cal­en­dar “Japan - between tra­di­tion and moder­ni­ty”* from the 13 best shots of the trip again at Calvendo.

So if you like the pic­tures, you can now dec­o­rate your wall with them for a whole year 😉.

*= Affil­i­ate link

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