No mat­ter how beau­ti­ful pho­tos look on the screen - there is still noth­ing bet­ter than a high-qual­i­ty art print. There­fore I have col­lect­ed sev­er­al of my favourite pic­tures in two books in dif­fer­ent for­mats. They can now be ordered via blurb*. The qual­i­ty of the fine-art print is excellent.

The fol­low­ing books are avail­able so far (click for more information):

East Africa

Landscapes, wildlife and people from Kenya and Tanzania

On 112 large-for­mat (30x30cm) pages in high-qual­i­ty art print, this book con­tains the best pic­tures of our pho­to safaris to Kenya and Tan­za­nia. The pic­tures were tak­en dur­ing two trips in 2013 and 2015. Detailed reports on the trips, which also include many of the pic­tures in this book, can be found here. The book also con­tains help­ful trav­el tips and notes on places worth see­ing in this region.

Here is a brief look into the book:

50 Colors of Burano

Since our first vis­it in 2001 we have fall­en in love with Venice and the lagoon. We have been there many times since then. Time seems to pass more slow­ly in Venice. We love to get lost in Venice - although this becomes more and more dif­fi­cult after our fre­quent vis­its there. A fixed point of our Venice jour­neys is always a vis­it to Bura­no on a sun­ny day - of course with the pho­to cam­era. Bura­no, a small island in the lagoon of Venice, is famous for its colour­ful hous­es. This book con­tains on 50 pages in large-for­mat fine-art print (30x30cm) 50 beau­ti­ful colour pho­tographs, which were tak­en there in the years 2007 to 2016.

Here is a brief look into the book

(* = Affiliatelink)