Corcovado,Costa Rica

Costa Rica

We vis­it­ed the Amer­i­can con­ti­nent in March 2024 - the first time for me. This time, our des­ti­na­tion was Cos­ta Rica in Cen­tral America.



Our old­er daugh­ter had com­plet­ed a 2 1/2 month intern­ship in Osa­ka at the end of 2014. We vis­it­ed her in Osa­ka after­wards and trav­eled through Japan togeth­er for 2 weeks. In 2023 we vis­it­ed our younger daugh­ter there who was in Tsuku­ba for a semes­ter abroad.


Out of Afrika

We were on a safari in Africa for the first time in 2013. Since then, the African virus has infect­ed us. Here I show some of the best pic­tures of our trav­els so far



In Novem­ber 2023, we were drawn to the far north for the first time. We vis­it­ed Ilulis­sat in West Green­land to see ice­bergs and the North­ern Lights.



Venice, the “Serenis­si­ma” is cer­tain­ly one of the most beau­ti­ful cities in the world. We have already been there very often and will hope­ful­ly return there very often…

Colorado,Costa Rica

My best pictures of the last year

Here you can find some of my best pic­tures tak­en in the last twelve months



Ani­mal pic­tures from var­i­ous zoo­log­i­cal gar­dens and ani­mal parks