Costa Rica 2024

In March 2023, we vis­it­ed the Amer­i­c­as - for me for the first time. Once again join­ing forces with our friends Andrea and Har­ry, this time our des­ti­na­tion was Cos­ta Rica in Cen­tral America.

Cos­ta Rica, locat­ed between the Atlantic and Pacif­ic Oceans, is often referred to as being the “Switzer­land of Cen­tral Amer­i­ca”. This descrip­tion is based on the coun­try’s polit­i­cal sta­bil­i­ty, high stan­dard of liv­ing and well-devel­oped infrastructure.

Colorado,Costa Rica

Greenland 2023


In Novem­ber 2023, we were drawn to the far north for the first time, and I real­ly do mean the very far north. Our friends had booked a short trip to Ilulis­sat in West Green­land in late fall and asked us if we want­ed to come along, which we quick­ly agreed to.

Dur­ing our 4-day stay, we mar­veled at the gigan­tic ice­bergs that passed majes­ti­cal­ly in the bay. There were also auro­ras - although unfor­tu­nate­ly only very faint.

African Safaris 2013-2022

We trav­eled to Kenya for the first time in 2013 and went on a 17-day safari there. It was an inde­scrib­ably beau­ti­ful trip, the land­scape and the wildlife enchant­ed us and infect­ed us with the “Africa virus”. Since then, we have made five more trips to Kenya and Tan­za­nia. Here you will find exten­sive reports about them as well as many tips for your own trips.

Japan in 2014 and 2023


Japan! It was a des­ti­na­tion we had always thought about. The first oppor­tu­ni­ty arose in 2014, when our first daugh­ter com­plet­ed an intern­ship at a com­pa­ny in Osa­ka as part of her mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing stud­ies. We then vis­it­ed Japan again in 2023 to go on a round trip with our younger daugh­ter, who was spend­ing a semes­ter abroad there as part of her Japan­ese studies.