Travelogue Kenya 2021-22

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Löwe, Masai Mara, Kenia

After edit­ing all my pho­tos of our Kenya trip at the turn of the year 2021 / 2022, I have gone through them again chrono­log­i­cal­ly and cre­at­ed a detailed report of this great trip.

This time we stayed again for 5 days in the Masai Mara in the Mara Bush Camp - Pri­vate Wing. Then we went with a domes­tic flight for 2 days to Amboseli Nation­al Park with an excel­lent view of Kil­i­man­jaro this time, so that I also final­ly man­aged to take the ulti­mate Africa pho­to: ele­phants in front of Mount Kilimanjaro:

Ele­phants in front of Mount Kil­i­man­jaro, Amboseli NP, Kenya

The won­der­ful trip end­ed with a 3-day stay at the fan­tas­tic new Lions Bluff Lodge in the pri­vate Lumo Con­ser­van­cy. Dur­ing these 10 days we saw an incred­i­ble amount. The trav­el­ogue has there­fore become very exten­sive, I have also illus­trat­ed it exten­sive­ly. If you have some time, you can read it here. If you have less time and only want to look at some pic­tures, you can find them here in my gallery.

I am hap­py about comments.

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