Firmware 1.8.1 for the Canon EOS R5 and R6

You are currently viewing Firmware 1.8.1 for the Canon EOS R5 and R6

Once again, Canon has released a new update for the EOS R5 and R6. Ver­sion 1.8.1 is avail­able since today. Many rumors about anoth­er fea­ture update had been spread in the run-up. Many had hoped that Canon would deliv­er some of the fea­tures of the new EOS R6 II and R7 via a firmware update for the R5 and R6 as well. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, very lit­tle of this has come true.

Only one new fea­ture has been added to the EOS R5, and in my opin­ion it is of very lit­tle use: the “IBIS high res­o­lu­tion” function.

After the firmware update, you will find the new menu item “IBIS High res­o­lu­tion shot” in the menu “SHOOT5” of the R5.

When this menu item is select­ed and the shut­ter is released, the R5 takes a total of 9 images in quick suc­ces­sion. After­wards, these are com­bined inter­nal­ly to a sin­gle JPEG file with a res­o­lu­tion of 24576 x 16384 pix­els and a size of approx. 60-80MB. This takes a few sec­onds, dur­ing which the cam­era dis­plays “busy”. That’s it.

The final result is only this one JPEG file. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, no RAW files are saved from the 9 indi­vid­ual shots. I con­sid­er this a great pity, since I shoot exclu­sive­ly in RAW for­mat to be able to use the full dynam­ic range of the cam­era. Anoth­er prob­lem is that the cam­era does not apply any motion cor­rec­tions when cal­cu­lat­ing the high-res­o­lu­tion image. Thus, this mode can only be used from a sta­ble tri­pod and with com­plete­ly motion­less objects. This severe­ly lim­its the func­tion’s usabil­i­ty - oth­er cam­era man­u­fac­tur­ers do it much bet­ter. Pos­si­ble use cas­es might be detailed doc­u­ment scans, still lifes, or land­scapes in com­plete absence of wind. In addi­tion, most lens­es reach their res­o­lu­tion lim­its at this high resolution.

Oth­er updates con­cern the FTP trans­port of the images over the Inter­net and are prob­a­bly only rel­e­vant for very few users. In addi­tion, some “minor prob­lems have been fixed

Here is the offi­cial announce­ment of the new fea­tures of the EOS R5 v 1.8.1 from Canon:

Firmware Ver­sion 1.8.1 incor­po­rates the fol­low­ing enhance­ments and fixes:

  1. Adds [IBIS High res­o­lu­tion shot] to the cam­era menu. By uti­liz­ing the in-body IS mech­a­nism, it is now pos­si­ble to record images with high­er res­o­lu­tion.*
    *Use EOS Utility/Digital Pho­to Pro­fes­sion­al to check the images. EOS Utility/Digital Pho­to Pro­fes­sion­al will need to be upgraded.
  2. Adds [Save/load comm. set­tings on card] to the cam­era menu.
    Net­work set­tings can now be trans­ferred between cam­eras of the same model.
  3. Adds the abil­i­ty for images to be cropped and resized dur­ing trans­fer to the FTP server.
  4. Adds Pro­tect Images Dur­ing [FTP Trans­fer] to the cam­era menu. Images trans­ferred via FTP can now be auto­mat­i­cal­ly pro­tect­ed. The user can deter­mine if images have already been trans­ferred via FTP.
  5. Fix­es minor issues.

And here is the offi­cial announce­ment of the new fea­tures of the EOS R6 v 1.8.1 from Canon:

Firmware Ver­sion 1.8.1 incor­po­rates the fol­low­ing enhance­ments and fixes:

  1. Adds the abil­i­ty for images to be cropped and resized dur­ing trans­fer to the FTP server.
  2. Fix­es the phe­nom­e­non, where after updat­ing to firmware ver­sion 1.8.0, Err70 etc. occurs under cer­tain conditions.
  3. Fix­es minor issues.

Here are the links to Canon Europe:

Firmware Canon EOS R5

Firmware Canon EOS R6 

I have already installed the ver­sion on my Canon EOS R5 and have not noticed any prob­lems so far.

Oth­er firmware ver­sions for Canon EOS R5 / R6

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