New firmware version 1.5.0 available for Canon EOS R5 and R6

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Canon did it again:

Today, Canon released a new firmware ver­sion for the Canon EOS R5 and R6, which once again includes addi­tion­al fea­ture updates. In par­tic­u­lar, some enhance­ments to the aut­o­fo­cus sys­tem (such as vehi­cle detec­tion) of the new EOS R3 have now been inte­grat­ed into the EOS R5 and R6. The new firmware is imme­di­ate­ly avail­able for down­load as usu­al direct­ly from Canon. Accord­ing to Canon, it includes the fol­low­ing improve­ments and corrections:

  1. Improves head detec­tion per­for­mance to sup­port hel­mets or gog­gles in win­ter sports.
  2. Adds [Vehi­cles] selec­tion to [Sub­ject to detect] selec­tion in the [AF] tab to sup­port the detec­tion of auto­mo­biles and motor­cy­cles in motor­sports. Adds [Spot detec­tion] when [Vehi­cles] is select­ed as the hel­met of the dri­ver or rid­er*.
    *Detec­tion may not be pos­si­ble for ordi­nary pas­sen­ger cars or bicy­cles, or for motor­cy­clists per­form­ing stunts or kick­ing up dirt and dust.
  1. Improves detec­tion per­for­mance for eye detec­tion when:
    -there are shad­ows on the face.
    -hair is hang­ing over the eyes.
  2. Adds sup­port for tor­so detec­tion of a per­son. If the eyes, face or head are hid­den or can­not be detect­ed, a per­son­’s tor­so will be detect­ed and tracked continuously.
  3. Adds the abil­i­ty to import man­u­al white bal­ance (MWB) data from the Quick Con­trol screen when cap­tur­ing still images.
  4. Elim­i­nates the cen­ter press oper­a­tion of the mul­ti-con­troller to pre­vent acci­den­tal­ly trans­fer­ring images dur­ing FTP transfer.
  5. Adds the abil­i­ty, when using EOS Util­i­ty or Brows­er Remote for remote shoot­ing with two cards insert­ed, to set the record­ing method and to select which card to be record­ed to.
  6. Adds [Sup­press low­er frame rate] to [Smooth] in [Disp. per­for­mance], enabling the shoot­ing screen to be dis­played with less drop frame rate even in dark locations.
  7. Changes the default val­ue of [FTP serv­er] → [Pas­sive mode] to [Enable].
  8. Improves oper­a­tion sta­bil­i­ty dur­ing FTP transfer.
  9. Opti­mizes con­trols of In-Body Image Sta­bi­liza­tion (IBIS) when using spe­cif­ic EF lens­es not equipped with the image sta­bi­liza­tion function.
  10. Fix­es an issue, in which noise occurs along the edges of bright sub­jects when using Canon Log for movie recording.

The new firmware can be down­loaded direct­ly from Canon using the links below:

Firmware 1.5.0 for EOS R5

Firmware 1.5.0 for EOS R6

Canon has also revised the user man­u­al accord­ing­ly, and it will soon be avail­able for down­load direct­ly from Canon as well.

I have already down­loaded and installed the new ver­sion 1.5.0. This worked as usu­al with­out any prob­lems. A short test shows that, at least sub­jec­tive­ly felt, the per­son recog­ni­tion could actu­al­ly be improved fur­ther. Point 8 is also very wel­come, the viewfind­er image is actu­al­ly much smoother in dark envi­ron­ments than before.

Over­all, the lat­est update con­tains some very wel­come improve­ments that make it even less inter­est­ing for me to switch to an EOS R3.

For new­com­ers and inter­est­ed peo­ple: I have updat­ed my arti­cle with my proven set­tings of the EOS R5, it can be found here. There are also many oth­er arti­cles about the Canon EOS R5 on this website.

PS: in the mean­time Canon released anoth­er bug­fixed firmware ver­sion 1.5.1

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