Transfer to the Masai Mara

We then con­tin­ued on to our final des­ti­na­tion, the high­light of the trip, the Masai Mara, Kenya’s most game rich reserve, both in terms of the num­ber of species and indi­vid­ual ani­mals. The Masai Mara is locat­ed in Kenya direct­ly north of the Tan­zan­ian Serengeti and is between August and Novem­ber the des­ti­na­tion of the famous large migra­tion which was dis­cov­ered by Prof. Bern­hard Grz­imek of espe­cial­ly the wilde­beests and zebras. The cross­ing of the Mara Riv­er with its part­ly steep walls is spec­tac­u­lar. Here thou­sands of ani­mals plunge into the floods and are expect­ed by croc­o­diles. In 2013 we could observe a “cross­ing” twice, in 2015 we had no luck.

The tour is tough, the last 80km con­sist of bumpy roads.

On the way

At last we arrived “shak­en, not stirred” and were reward­ed with the first typ­i­cal Masai Mara sunset:


The last des­ti­na­tion of our jour­ney is once again the Mara Bush Camp - Pri­vate Wing. It is a small (only 12 “tents”) but very nice camp, locat­ed direct­ly at a side arm of the Talek River.

Some pic­tures from the Mara Bush Camp - Pri­vate Wing:

From the ter­race of our tent we had a free view on the riv­er and could watch the hip­pos. We were here for the third time and were wel­comed by the camp man­ag­er, Michela.