August 11th 2017

As usu­al, the alarm clock rang again before 6am and at 6:30am we were in our jeep. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the sky was very cloudy again, no chance to see the Kil­i­man­jaro. Again there were big ele­phant groups which were fol­low­ing their paths all the time. At present there are about 1,500 ele­phants in the park, accord­ing to Eric. In an aban­doned camp we dis­cov­ered a group of mon­keys, which appar­ent­ly had moved into the emp­ty houses:

Meerkatze mit Jungem
South­ern Green mon­key with young

Short­ly before break­fast we dis­cov­ered a pair of crowned cranes in the swamp. These are incred­i­bly beau­ti­ful and ele­gant birds.

Kronenkranich 3

Then the oblig­a­tory Toy­ota break­fast buf­fet followed:

Frühstück auf der Motorhaube
Our safari vehi­cle, a Toy­ota Land­Cruis­er, pre­pared for breakfast

Besides oth­er groups of ele­phants we met a group of ostrich ladies who had appar­ent­ly set­tled down for a cof­fee party.

Women’s group

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, our 3 days in Amboseli had passed in no time. The Kil­i­man­jaro had not been kind to us and was almost always hid­ing behind clouds. Nev­er­the­less, it was a great expe­ri­ence to see how the ele­phants marched togeth­er in groups of all ages over the vast plains for many kilometres.