August 13th 2017

Just 500m away from the camp we had the luck to redis­cov­er the white rhi­no fam­i­ly from the evening before right at the edge of the lake.

Breitmaulnashorn mit Kalb 2

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there were very few flamin­gos on the lake this year and they were in an inac­ces­si­ble area. How­ev­er, as Eric was able to find out, this time there were a lot of them at Lake Bogo­ria. Even at Lake Naivasha, where we were plan­ning a boat safari on the way to the Masai Mara lat­er on, there were no flamin­gos this year. So we decid­ed to make a day trip to Lake Bogo­ria on the next day, not to miss the flamingos.

In the after­noon we passed a group of baboons on the Game Dri­ve. Espe­cial­ly the young ones looked at us with inter­est, the old­er ones did­n’t mind us very much.

Pavian mit Jungem 1
Pavian mit Jungem 2

Then we dis­cov­ered a black Rhi­no bull, which was busy mark­ing the area and which we could observe for a longer time, until it became too much for him and he chased us away in a snort­ing rage.

Spitzmaulnashorn 2

Not far from the rhi­no a group of buf­fa­los grazed. Sud­den­ly Andrea noticed that a cow had just giv­en birth to a calf, so we were able to wit­ness the first min­utes in the life of a buf­fa­lo calf. Even our expe­ri­enced guide, Eric, said that he had only wit­nessed some­thing like this once before.

Büffel mit gerade geborenem Kalb

The sis­ter also showed great inter­est and admired the newcomer.

Neugeborenes Büffelkalb

And then after about 30 min­utes fol­lowed the first clum­sy steps.

Büffelkalb - Erste Schritte

It was a great expe­ri­ence to wit­ness the begin­ning of a life in Africa. Lat­er on we dis­cov­ered anoth­er pair of crown cranes at a waterhole.

Kronenkranich 1

On the way back to camp a huge hip­po posed for us.

Flusspferd 2