August 18th 2017

As always, our day began very ear­ly. At 6:15am we met at the jeep to watch anoth­er sun­rise. Again we were not dis­ap­point­ed in the Masai Mara.

Sonnenaufgang 3

The sun­ris­es and sun­sets are in them­selves a rea­son to trav­el here. They are dif­fer­ent every time, but always great. On this day we saw sev­er­al groups of lions, some of them with offspring.

The break­fast we had tak­en with us in box­es and took it again under an aca­cia tree after Eric had checked the area and found it safe. A pic­ture of the entire trav­el group:

And some more pic­tures of lions, which were tak­en that day.

Löwin 2
Löwin im hohen Gras

And final­ly, some­thing spe­cial. Late in the evening we fol­lowed a sin­gle lioness, who final­ly lay down and called loud­ly for her pride. From the dis­tance we final­ly got an answer.

the roar can be heard for miles and is instinc­tive­ly frightening.