August 22nd 2017 - Departure from the Masai Mara

Since our flight does not start until 22:15 in Nairo­bi, we had the morn­ing at our dis­pos­al and start­ed as usu­al at 6:15 for our last game dri­ve. First we found a lioness with 3 cubs run­ning around wild and play­ing - Kids are all the same.

The mom was vis­i­bly annoyed by the hus­tle and bus­tle between the three:

Löwin 1

We watched the romp­ing lion cubs for a good hour, then we went on. Eric was always in con­tact with oth­er guides via radio and sud­den­ly became rest­less after a con­ver­sa­tion. He shout­ed for us to get ready and then accel­er­at­ed. While dri­ving he explained to us that a lioness was about to car­ry her new­born to a hid­ing place. Short­ly after­wards we reached them. The lioness car­ried the baby, which could only be a few days old, in her mouth and final­ly hid it in a cave.

Löwin trägt Junges 2
Löwin trägt Junges 2

With a pho­to­genic pos­ing zebra our last game dri­ve end­ed and we drove back to the camp for our last breakfast.


After break­fast we packed up every­thing and drove back to Nairo­bi around about 1:00pm. The trip took much longer than planned due to a traf­fic jam, so that in the end there was a hec­tic activ­i­ty. But Eric dropped us off at the air­port in time. The flight start­ed on time at 10:15pm and we arrived on

August 23rd 2018

at just before 6:00 a.m. in Frank­furt. The trans­fer to the train sta­tion and the trip with the Air­port Express back to Düs­sel­dorf also worked with­out any problems.

Again it was an incred­i­bly won­der­ful trip. Every­thing worked out just per­fect­ly, we had many unfor­get­table adven­tures and were very hap­py to have Eric with us again. Africa is sim­ply unique and we miss the end­less land­scapes, wild ani­mals, great sun­ris­es and sun­sets, the evenings around the camp­fire and the nice peo­ple we met very much.


After Africa is before Africa, we’ll def­i­nite­ly come back!