February 28th, 2023

Much too ear­ly our depar­ture day had come. We enjoyed a last view of Fuji-San from the hotel window.


But first Luise used the hotel’s onsen again in the morn­ing. After break­fast and check-out, Luise picked up our car and we start­ed the trip back to Tsuku­ba, where we had to return the car. We also had to pick up a suit­case from Luise’s dorm room and take it back to Ger­many. Our return flight was sched­uled in the evening around 10:45 p.m. from Tokyo-Haneda.

On our last day at Mount Fuji, the weath­er was again very nice. We were excep­tion­al­ly lucky here in this regard. Even on the trip, the sacred moun­tain con­tin­ued to present itself in the best light.

The trip to Tsuku­ba was with­out any prob­lems. Because of the gen­er­al speed lim­it (70-100 km/h even on the high­ways), we still need­ed almost 3 hours for the dis­tance of about 180km. Luise, how­ev­er, drove very well. We then picked up the extra suit­case from her dorm, refu­eled the car and dropped it off at Toy­ota in Tsukuba.

From Tsuku­ba we then head­ed to the air­port. The direct bus to Hane­da Air­port would not have arrived until an hour and a half lat­er, so we took the Tsuku­ba Express again. We had to change trains twice until we arrived at the air­port. This way we got the chance to see the Rain­bow Bridge of Odai­ba once again.


Short­ly after 4:00 p.m. we reached the air­port. It was sur­pris­ing­ly not very busy there, so we were able to check in right away. We first dropped off our trav­el bags and Louise’s addi­tion­al suit­case. Two employ­ees at the ANA counter helped us very kind­ly and also checked in the addi­tion­al piece of lug­gage free of charge with­out any prob­lems. In gen­er­al, it is very com­fort­able that in Japan there is always help­ful staff if you have any ques­tion. This is no com­par­i­son with the ser­vice desert in Ger­many - when I only think of our chaot­ic ini­tial flight again!

Since we still had a few hours to kill before our depar­ture sched­uled for 10:45 p.m., we first enjoyed a cof­fee with pas­tries at Café Cardinal.

After that, we explored the inter­na­tion­al Ter­mi­nal 3 a bit. The build­ing is very mod­ern, but on the upper floors there are some stores and restau­rants in tra­di­tion­al Japan­ese style, of which sur­pris­ing­ly many had already closed.

There is an obser­va­tion deck at the top, from which we watched the hus­tle and bus­tle of the large air­port in front of the Tokyo sky­line with the Skytree in the back­ground until sun­set. In the dis­tance, we could even see Mount Fuji one last time.

For our last din­ner togeth­er with Luise in Japan, we chose a yakiniku restau­rant on the top floor of the air­port, where you pre­pare your own meat on a gas grill. It was again very tasty.

For dessert, we had a last lat­te mac­chi­a­to in anoth­er café and a donut for Luise and me. Then it was time to say good­bye to Luise.


It was a great trip togeth­er. Luise always orga­nized and arranged every­thing per­fect­ly. In con­trast to our first vis­it in 2014, we were able to immerse our­selves so much more in the “real” Japan and felt much less like for­eign bod­ies. The farewell after this great time togeth­er was very hard for all of us.

Now we made our way to the gate. Even the check of car­ry-on lug­gage went com­plete­ly with­out prob­lems, we could go straight through to the gate where we wait­ed for our board­ing. The plane was already there and we were able to board our ANA Dream­lin­er on time.

The flight itself went off with­out a hitch. This time the route led north via Alas­ka, the ice-cov­ered Arc­tic Ocean and Green­land because of the nec­es­sary bypass of Rus­sia. Sud­den­ly, in the mid­dle of the night far to the north, the sun rose again, we had obvi­ous­ly crossed the Arc­tic Cir­cle. At the north­ern­most point of the route, we reached the 80th degree of lat­i­tude north accord­ing to the dis­play on the mon­i­tor and were thus only about 3000 km away from the North Pole.

Lat­er I could also briefly see an auro­ra out of the win­dow, but unfor­tu­nate­ly I did not man­age to take a pre­sentable pho­to of it.