2023 Flight back to Copenhagen

Our day of depar­ture from Ilulis­sat has arrived. We were picked up from the hotel by shut­tle bus short­ly after 8:00 a.m. and tak­en to the air­port. There our plane was already wait­ing for us:


Then we went back the same way we had come. First we flew south back to Kanger­lus­suaq. Here is one last view of the Ilulis­sat Fjord with the ris­ing sun:


Our Air­bus 330-800 was already wait­ing for us in Kangerlussuaq:


From there we flew a good 4 1/2 hours south-west back to Copen­hagen. The plane took about 1 hour to cross Green­land. Here is a view of the begin­ning of the Green­land ice shield:


The Green­land ice shield is gigan­tic and in some places up to 3 km thick. Some of the ice at the deep­est points is more than 100,000 years old. The ice cores obtained from there con­tain impor­tant infor­ma­tion about what hap­pened dur­ing this peri­od. The air bub­bles trapped there allow detailed inves­ti­ga­tions of the atmos­phere over the past mil­len­nia - a real trea­sure for research.

Arrival in Copenhagen

Due to the time dif­fer­ence, we arrived in Copen­hagen at night after a pleas­ant flight (with a deli­cious meal on board). Here it was 10°C, a good 20°C warmer than the day before. This time we had booked a hotel in the city center.

After col­lect­ing our lug­gage, we took the metro into the heart of the city. We arrived at our hotel short­ly before 11 p.m. Unfor­tu­nate­ly the weath­er was bad, it was rain­ing. The Scan­dic Kød­byen hotel is very large and mod­ern. Kød­byen is the for­mer butcher’s quar­ter of Copen­hagen, where many trendy restau­rants are located.

After a quick night­cap in the bar, we fell into bed tired after the long day of trav­el­ing. Tomor­row at 8:45 a.m. we have reg­is­tered for break­fast and will then explore the city once again.

November 7th - 8th, 2023 - Copenhagen

As planned, we stayed three nights in Copen­hagen. It was a huge con­trast between the end­less vast­ness and remote­ness of Green­land and this tur­bu­lent city. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the weath­er was very mixed. Over­all, how­ev­er, we real­ly enjoyed Copen­hagen. Final­ly, here are a few pic­tures from there:

November 9th, 2023 - Homeward departure

After a final break­fast at our hotel, we took the metro back to the air­port. The return flight was with­out any prob­lems. Our daugh­ter was already wait­ing for us in Düs­sel­dorf to pick us up.

It was a very impres­sive trip. The vast­ness and remote­ness of Green­land is inde­scrib­able. Life there is so dif­fer­ent from what we are used to. All goods have to be trans­port­ed there by ship or plane - weath­er permitting.

The local food is prac­ti­cal­ly exclu­sive­ly fish and meat. In fact, the Inu­it used to live exclu­sive­ly on these. How­ev­er, they did not suf­fer from vit­a­min defi­cien­cies such as scurvy or rick­ets, as they also ate the intestines and skin com­po­nents of whales and seals, which were rich in vit­a­mins C and D.

As our guide Simone told us, the peo­ple in Ilulis­sat are some­times com­plete­ly cut off for days and have to man­age every sit­u­a­tion on their own. The local hos­pi­tal in Ilulis­sat only has lim­it­ed capac­i­ty and can only pro­vide basic care. Seri­ous­ly ill patients have to be brought to Copen­hagen by plane, which takes at least 6 hours even under opti­mal conditions.

Short­ly after our depar­ture, the polar night begins in Ilulis­sat in Decem­ber and lasts a good 6 weeks. 6 weeks with­out sun­light - that is sim­ply unimag­in­able for me.

In con­trast to this was the vivid and live­ly Copen­hagen. All in all, the trip made us curi­ous about fur­ther trips to the north­ern regions. And by the way, we now have the right clothes for more trips into the cold. So Ice­land and north­ern Nor­way are at the top of our wish list

to per­haps expe­ri­ence the North­ern Lights once again…