In Novem­ber 2023, we were drawn to the far north for the first time, right at the top. In late fall, we vis­it­ed Ilulis­sat in Green­land for four days. With 5000 inhab­i­tants (and 3000 sled dogs!), Ilulis­sat is the third largest town in Green­land. Ilulis­sat means “town of the ice­bergs”: It is famous for its loca­tion on Disko Bay, where huge ice­bergs pass by, fed by the Ilulis­sat Ice­fjord. The days were already very short, with the sun only appear­ing just above the hori­zon for a good 5 hours. How­ev­er, the light atmos­phere dur­ing this short time was fas­ci­nat­ing, the sun­rise prac­ti­cal­ly merged direct­ly into the sun­set. Here are some pic­tures from this trip.