Day 9 (December 29th, 2014)

Today the Odai­ba quar­ter was on the agen­da. Odai­ba is a com­plete­ly new tech­ni­cal shop­ping ter­rain, despite a good 1-hour dri­ve it still belongs to Tokyo.

They even built an arti­fi­cial beach, but it was not used in win­ter. You can also reach the area by boat (we went back in this way). The famous “Rain­bow Bridge” leads to the area, which is nice­ly illu­mi­nat­ed in the dark. The Tokyo Big Side, an exhi­bi­tion and con­gress cen­tre, is also part of the area. There was some kind of fair going on at the moment and it was quite busy. So we drove on quickly.

We con­tin­ued to the “Fuji-Cen­ter”, a huge shop­ping mall with sev­er­al restau­rants and a TV studio.

The Fuji Broad­cast­ing Cen­ter is a 27-sto­ry com­plex with a total height of 123.45 meters. It con­sists of an office tow­er and a media tow­er, which are con­nect­ed by three closed foot­bridges. The out­er façade is clad with tita­ni­um. Among oth­er things, you could see the lat­est Toy­otas, which have not yet been approved for road use. In front of anoth­er build­ing stood a huge robot.

Our lunch is prepared

After a lunch with Okonomiya­ki (which we already know and like) we were “over­whelmed” by so much tech­nol­o­gy and com­merce. We then walked along the beach for a while, admired the sun­set over the Rain­bow Bridge and went back by boat across the bay, where we were wel­comed back by our driver.

On the way back to the hotel, we passed by the Tokyo-Tow­er. It looks almost like the Eif­fel Tow­er (but is 9m high­er!) and is illu­mi­nat­ed yel­low and red. We were still in the year 2014, as you can see in lumi­nous fig­ures on the tower.

Final­ly some impres­sions from Tokyo at night:

And last but not least our daugh­ters dis­cov­ered a Hard Rock Café, of course we had to go in there and take a souvenir.