Kenya 2013

In August 2013 a dream came true for us, we trav­elled to Africa for the first time, togeth­er with good friends. We had booked a 17-day safari trip that would take us through sev­er­al nation­al parks in Kenya. Dur­ing the whole time we had our own jeep with guide at our dis­pos­al. It was an incred­i­ble expe­ri­ence to see the amaz­ing African wildlife in their nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment. The den­si­ty of ani­mals was immense, the so-called “Big Five” (ele­phants, rhi­nos, lions, buf­fa­los and leop­ards) we had all seen after only 5 days. Also the accom­mo­da­tion in the lodges and tents was first class. It was a dream­like jour­ney. Here I show a selec­tion of the best pictures



In Nairo­bi we start­ed our jour­ney and vis­it­ed the ele­phant orphan­age, the Karen Blix­en House (known from the film “Out of Africa”) and the Giraffe Center. 


Mount Kenya

From Nairo­bi we drove north towards Sam­bu­ru and stayed overnight in the Moun­tain Lodge at Mt. Kenya at 2195m altitude. 



The Sam­bu­ru are a tribe liv­ing north in Kenya. The Sam­bu­ru Nation­al Reserve is a 165 km² nature reserve and is sit­u­at­ed on the Uaso Nyiro Riv­er. Here we spent three days. 


Ol Pejeta Conservancy - Sweetwaters

We head­ed back south after Sam­bu­ru to the Ol Peje­ta Con­ser­van­cy, where we stayed in the Sweet­wa­ters Tent­ed Camp. Sweet­wa­ters lies direct­ly on the equa­tor. Here we stayed in tents for the first time - but very com­fort­able, each with its own en-suite bath­room and a ter­race where we could watch rhi­nos in the evening. 


Rift Valley und Thompson Falls

From Sweet­wa­ters we went on towards Lake Nakuro, pass­ing the great African Rift Val­ley and vis­it­ing the famous 74m high Thomp­son Falls.


Lake Nakuro

Lake Nakuro is actu­al­ly famous for its huge num­ber of flamin­gos, which we unfor­tu­nate­ly only saw in the dis­tance because of the high water. But instead we saw a lot of white rhinos.


Lake Naivasha

Actu­al­ly there are two lakes, the small­er one is a salt lake and here we could final­ly see the flamin­gos clos­er dur­ing a boat safari. Lat­er on we went on a walk­ing safari on a penin­su­la in Lake Naivasha, the Cres­cent Island, where we got very close to giraffes and wilde­beests by foot.


Masai Mara

Final­ly we reached the high­light of our trip: 5 days in the Mara Bush Camp in the Masai Mara. Dur­ing sev­er­al game dri­ves we could see a lot of ani­mals and watch sev­er­al mag­i­cal sun­ris­es and sun­sets. We were even lucky to watch the riv­er cross­ing of the wilde­beest twice. This expe­ri­ence was breathtaking