We went on a pho­to safari in Kenya / Africa for the first time in 2013. It was an incred­i­bly impres­sive expe­ri­ence to observe the abun­dant large and small game, which we pre­vi­ous­ly only knew from zoos, in the large­ly untouched nature. We were imme­di­ate­ly infect­ed with the “Africa virus”. Since then, we have vis­it­ed Kenya and Tan­za­nia sev­er­al times. Here I present some of the best pic­tures tak­en dur­ing our trav­els. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion and gen­er­al safari tips can be found in the Africa trav­el reports on this website.

Kenya 2021/22

As 3 years before, after the Coro­na pan­dem­ic had fad­ed down, we final­ly want­ed to go to Africa again and spend the turn of the year there. First we went again to the Masai Mara, where we cel­e­brat­ed New Year’s Eve. After­wards we flew to Amboseli Nation­al Park, where this time Mt. Kil­i­man­jaro showed itself in all its glo­ry. The trip then end­ed at the fan­tas­ti­cal­ly locat­ed and com­fort­able Lions Bluff Lodge in Lumo / Tsa­vo West.


Masai Mara 2018/19

This time we spent the New Year hol­i­days from 2018 to 2019 in Kenya and were for 9 nights in the Masai Mara. Dur­ing this sea­son, no wilde­beests were there, instead they were in the Serengeti as part of their migra­tion. But we could observe plen­ty of oth­er ani­mals, espe­cial­ly cats.


Kenya 2017

In August 2017 we had a 14 days safari in south­ern Kenya. We vis­it­ed the Amboseli Nation­al Park, the lakes Naku­ru, Naivasha and Bogo­ria and this time we stayed a whole week in the Masai Mara.


Tanzania 2016

In August 2016 we were final­ly back in Africa. This time we vis­it­ed the parks in south­ern Tan­za­nia, the “South­ern Circuit”.


Kenya & Tanzania 2015

Some pic­tures of our 2nd African Safari. This time it led us to the south of Kenya and the north of Tanzania


Kenya 2013

Some pic­tures of our first Kenya Safari in August 2013, the best pic­tures are avail­able as month­ly cal­en­dars in my cal­en­dar shop.