
The Ol Peje­ta Con­ser­van­cy is a 360 km2 (140 sq mi) not-for-prof­it wildlife con­ser­van­cy in Cen­tral Kenya’s Laikip­ia Coun­ty. Sit­u­at­ed just on the equa­tor west of Nanyu­ki, between the foothills of the Aber­dares and Mount Kenya. The Ol Peje­ta Con­ser­van­cy works to con­serve wildlife, pro­vide a sanc­tu­ary for great apes and to gen­er­ate income through wildlife tourism and com­ple­men­tary enter­pris­es for re-invest­ment in con­ser­va­tion and com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment. We were accom­mo­dat­ed at Sweet­wa­ters Tent­ed Camp.