Firmware V1.4.0 for Canon EOS R5

You are currently viewing Firmware V1.4.0 for Canon EOS R5

In the mean­time, Canon has already released ver­sion 1.5 of the firmware, which offers fur­ther improve­ments, espe­cial­ly in the AF area .

The ver­sion 1.4.0 pri­mar­i­ly brings numer­ous wel­comed improve­ments in the video area.

Support of ProRes RAW in 8K with the ATOMOS Ninja V+

For the film­mak­ing pro­fes­sion­al, the ProRes-RAW for­mat is now sup­port­ed at 8k in con­junc­tion with the ATOMOS Nin­ja V+* recorder. The ProRes-RAW for­mat is becom­ing much like the indus­try stan­dard for video RAW record­ing and is sup­port­ed by Apple’s Final Cut Pro, Adobe Pre­mière Pro and Avid Media Com­pos­er, among oth­ers. Videos record­ed in this way allow white bal­ance and also ISO to be adjust­ed in post-production.

This exter­nal record­ing solu­tion also avoids the R5’s inter­nal record­ing lim­it of 29:59 min­utes. In addi­tion, the over­heat­ing prob­lem of the EOS R5 should be sig­nif­i­cant­ly improved, since the cam­era needs less com­put­ing pow­er and the stor­age on the CF card, which also pro­duces heat, should be omit­ted. More pre­cise infor­ma­tion about the achiev­able record­ing time is not yet avail­able, though.

Video lens support

Anoth­er step for­ward for the pro­fes­sion­al video mar­ket is the sup­port of two new video lens­es, the CN-E18-80mm T4.4 L IS KAS S and the CN-E70-200mm T4.4 L IS KAS S. Both lens­es with EF mount are espe­cial­ly cor­rect­ed for focus breath­ing and sup­port a motor zoom.

Simultaneous video recording on 2 memory cards

In addi­tion - and desired by very many peo­ple - the R5 can now record video on both mem­o­ry cards at the same time. How­ev­er, this nat­u­ral­ly does not apply to RAW for­mats, since the record­ing speed of the SD card is not suf­fi­cient for that.

And for photographers?

In the pho­to depart­ment, the update adds bet­ter sup­port for the new RF Supertele 400mm f/2.8L and 600mm f/4L. Also, a report­ed bug of the IS some­times not tak­ing effect imme­di­ate­ly after cam­era start­up has appar­ent­ly been addressed.

All in all, the update con­tains a whole bunch of wel­come improve­ments. This shows that the R5 is still up to date for Canon and is a hot seller.

The new firmware can be down­loaded direct­ly from Canon here. The man­u­al and the asso­ci­at­ed appli­ca­tions have also been revised and can be obtained there in new versions.

Here again is the official description from Canon:

Firmware Ver­sion 1.4.0 incor­po­rates the fol­low­ing fix­es and enhancements:

  1. Adds sup­port for out­putting 8K/30p/10-bit video sig­nals for ProRes RAW record­ing to ATO­M­OS’s Nin­ja V+ recorder* via HDMI.
  • If you have any ques­tions about ATOMOS prod­ucts, please con­tact ATOMOS directly.
  • Please note that the recorder may become hot.
  1. Adds sup­port for movie record­ing when the cam­era is con­nect­ed to the CN-E18-80mm T4.4 L IS KAS S or CN-E70-200mm T4.4 L IS KAS S EF cin­e­ma lenses.
  • Still pho­tog­ra­phy shoot­ing is pos­si­ble how­ev­er per­for­mance is not guaranteed.
  • Movie shoot­ing in ver­ti­cal posi­tion is pos­si­ble how­ev­er per­for­mance is not guaranteed.
  • Exter­nal pow­er sup­ply is required for AF oper­a­tion dur­ing ser­vo zoom oper­a­tion. When there is no exter­nal pow­er sup­ply, AF oper­a­tion is acti­vat­ed only when the ser­vo zoom is not in use.
  1. Adds simul­ta­ne­ous movie record­ing capa­bil­i­ty on card 1 and card 2, how­ev­er RAW movies and RAW(Light) movies can­not be record­ed simul­ta­ne­ous­ly on card 1 and card 2.
  2. Adds sup­port for the VPG 400 (Video Per­for­mance Guar­an­tee Pro­file), a stan­dard based on the CFex­press 2.0 specification.
  3. Improves oper­a­tion sta­bil­i­ty when using the RF400mm F2.8 L IS USM and RF600mm F4 L IS USM.
  4. Fix­es an issue in which, dur­ing HDMI con­nec­tion, if the cam­er­a’s screen turns off, a zebra pat­tern is dis­played via the HDMI output.
  5. Fix­es an issue in which suf­fi­cient image sta­bi­liza­tion effects may not be attained imme­di­ate­ly after the start of shooting.

Firmware Ver­sion 1.4.0 is for cam­eras with firmware up to Ver­sion 1.3.1. If the cam­er­a’s firmware is already Ver­sion 1.4.0, it is not nec­es­sary to update the firmware.

The User Man­u­al on our web­site has been updat­ed accord­ing­ly. Please down­load the User Man­u­al as well as the lat­est firmware. You can down­load it from the offi­cial website.

The Appli­ca­tions have been updat­ed accord­ing­ly. Please down­load the Appli­ca­tions as well as the lat­est firmware.

*= Affil­i­ate Link

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