Canon EOS R8 and R50 unveiled

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Canon has intro­duced two new cam­eras fea­tur­ing an RF bay­o­net, the Canon EOS R8 and the EOS R50. Both extend the exist­ing port­fo­lio down­wards. They are intend­ed for peo­ple want­i­ng to get into pho­tog­ra­phy with sys­tem cam­eras and inter­change­able lens­es as afford­able as possible.

Both offer a sen­sor res­o­lu­tion of 24 megapix­els and fea­ture the exten­sive dual-pix­el AF modes known from the more expen­sive cur­rent EOS R mod­els (includ­ing sub­ject track­ing and detec­tion, per­son, ani­mal, and eye aut­o­fo­cus). The sen­sors are fixed, how­ev­er, nei­ther of them has sen­sor stabilization.

The R8’s full-frame sen­sor is iden­ti­cal to that of the EOS R6 II, while the EOS R50 has a small­er Canon APS-C for­mat sen­sor with a crop fac­tor of 1.6.

Canon EOS R50

The new EOS R50 is cur­rent­ly the most afford­able way to get into the Canon RF system.

It offers a 24.2 MP APS-C CMOS sen­sor with dual-pix­el AF, allows con­tin­u­ous shoot­ing at up to 15 frames per sec­ond in E-Shut­ter mode (12 with elec­tron­ic first cur­tain). In video, it sup­ports 4K video up to 30p with­out crop. It offers 10-bit HDR video and HEIF images. Despite its low price, the small cam­era sup­ports exten­sive AF modes with track­ing and sub­ject detec­tion (peo­ple, ani­mals, eye AF…). How­ev­er, sen­sor sta­bi­liza­tion is unfor­tu­nate­ly not integrated.

The inte­grat­ed OLED viewfind­er offers a res­o­lu­tion of 2.36 mil­lion pix­els. The touch­screen is ful­ly artic­u­lat­ed and has a res­o­lu­tion of 1.62 mil­lion pixels.

The cam­era is very small and light (375g), it is intend­ed as an entry-lev­el cam­era for those for whom the smart­phone is no longer sufficient.

Accord­ing to Canon, the EOS R8 will be avail­able “in spring 2023.” The price is expect­ed to be $679.99 / €829. In the kit with the small stan­dard zoom RF-S 18-45 IS STM, this price increas­es by $120 / €120.

Based on its spec­i­fi­ca­tions, the EOS R50 can be seen as a direct com­peti­tor to the Canon EOS M50 Mk II. My guess is that Canon is now slow­ly dis­con­tin­u­ing the M system.

Canon EOS R8

The Canon EOS R8 is a new edi­tion of the well-known EOS RP, with which it shares the body for­mat (unfor­tu­nate­ly also the weak bat­tery). It has the same 24.2 MP CMOS sen­sor as the EOS R6 II and also offers the same AF func­tions. How­ev­er, the sen­sor is not sta­bi­lized. The cheap­er EOS RP will remain avail­able for the time being.

The EOS R8 is very light (461g) and com­pact and still achieves a speed of up to 40 frames per sec­ond with its elec­tron­ic shut­ter. The EOS R8 does not offer a ful­ly mechan­i­cal shut­ter. With the elec­tron­ic first cur­tain, the con­tin­u­ous shoot­ing speed is reduced to only 6 frames per second.

In video, it can record up to 4K videos at 59.94p (with 6k over­sam­pling) using the entire sen­sor width. In Full HD, up to 180 frames/second are pos­si­ble. Dual Pix­el CMOS AF also works in video, with scene detec­tion for peo­ple, ani­mals and vehi­cles. The R8 allows up to 2 hours of con­tin­u­ous video record­ing. To increase the dynam­ic range, C-Log3 and HDR PQ record­ings in 10bit are also possible.

Accord­ing to Canon, the EOS R8 will be avail­able “in spring 2023.” The price is expect­ed to be $1,499 / €1,799. When paired with Canon’s RF24-50mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM stan­dard zoom, which is also new and very com­pact, the price increas­es by $200 / €200.

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