50 Colors of Burano

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Book - 50 colors of Burano

Because of the great qual­i­ty of the Blurb print of my East Africa book, I have now real­ized a long-planned project. Many of the pic­tures of this web­site were tak­en in Venice. Since our first vis­it in 2001, we have fall­en in love with Venice and the lagoon. We have been there many times since then. In Venice, time seems to be slow­er. We love to get lost in Venice – although this is get­ting hard­er and hard­er after our many stays there. A fixed point of our Venice trips is always the vis­it of the island of Bura­no on a sun­ny day, of course with the cam­era. This book con­tains 50 of my best pic­tures tak­en dur­ing these visits.

Bura­no is a pic­turesque small (670x450m) island in the lagoon of Venice, from there by boat in 40 min­utes. It is locat­ed right next to the island of Tor­cel­lo, the longest pop­u­lat­ed island in the lagoon. Bura­no is famous for its col­or­ful hous­es. Leg­end has it that the fish­er­men used the col­ors on fog­gy days (or in the rush of alco­hol 😉 ) to find home again. The colours of the hous­es are not cho­sen arbi­trar­i­ly. For cen­turies, it has been stip­u­lat­ed that a new coat of paint must be applied for by the admin­is­tra­tion and the col­or must be agreed. Thanks to mod­ern col­or chem­istry, how­ev­er, the col­ors have become more and more vari­able and espe­cial­ly more intense over the years.

A brief look into the book:

50 Col­ors of Bura­no” con­tains on 50 pages 50 col­or­ful pho­tos that I took on sev­er­al trips to Bura­no between 2007 and 2016. It can now be ordered in large for­mat print (30x30cm) from Blurb.

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