LP-E6P replacement battery

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With the EOS R5 Mark II, Canon has once again intro­duced a new bat­tery type, the LP-E6P. Although the old­er bat­tery mod­els LP-E6N and LP-E6NH ( but not the old LP-E6) can be used in the R5 Mark II, they have sig­nif­i­cant func­tion­al limitations:

  • Net­work con­nec­tion (WLAN/cable LAN) is not available
  • Reduced speed for con­tin­u­ous shooting
  • Selec­tion of 8K RAW or SRAW video record­ing, fine image qual­i­ty and frame rates of 240/200/120/100/60/50 frames / sec. is not possible
  • HDMI RAW out­put is not available
  • Pho­tog­ra­phy dur­ing video record­ings is not possible
  • Film record­ings with a high frame rate are not supported
  • Pre-Con­tin­u­ous Shoot­ing is not available.

As usu­al, the orig­i­nal Canon bat­tery is very expen­sive with an RRP of €129. The first com­pat­i­ble replace­ment bat­tery for the Canon LP-E6P bat­tery is now avail­able from PATONA. It can be ordered e.g. here via ama­zon. It is much cheap­er than the original.

I have already tried it in my Canon EOS R5 Mark II. It is rec­og­nized as orig­i­nal LP-E6P bat­tery and can also be reg­is­tered. There are no func­tion­al restric­tions with the bat­tery, even the Pre-Con­tin­u­ous Shoot­ing, which did not work with the old­er LP-E6NH bat­ter­ies and oth­er repli­cas, can be used with it.

As an addi­tion­al gim­mick, it also fea­tures its own USB-C port so that it can be charged direct­ly with a USB-C charg­er from a cell phone or com­put­er. A USB-C cable is also includ­ed. Charg­ing also works in the cam­era and with the orig­i­nal Canon charg­er. I ordered a sec­ond one straight away.

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