Gar­den of Eden, Noah’s Ark - con­sid­er­ing the spec­tac­u­lar wildlife of the Masai Mara, bib­li­cal com­par­isons are obvi­ous. In addi­tion, the land­scape is like a park, almost bound­less, and has its own mag­ic at any time of day, remind­ing us again and again of Hol­ly­wood movie clas­sic “Out of Africa”.

The Masai Mara (alter­na­tive nota­tions: Masaai Mara or Mas­sai Mara) is Kenya’s most famous nature reserve and it was made a reserve in 1961. In con­trast to a nation­al park, the Masai liv­ing in the Masai Mara are allowed to let their cat­tle graze in cer­tain parts of the park. The area offers a unique ani­mal wealth - both in terms of the vari­ety of species and in absolute numbers.