New wall calendar “Switzerland - in aerial photos” published

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As already men­tioned in the report about my new drones, I have again pub­lished a new pic­ture cal­en­dar. This is now avail­able in for­mats from DIN-A4 and Din-A3 as a wall calendar.

This time, all 13 shots of the cal­en­dar were tak­en from the air with DJI drones. Some images from the cal­en­dar are addi­tion­al­ly avail­able as can­vas prints* or 1000-piece puz­zles*. Here is a small pre­view of the includ­ed images:

Wall cal­en­dar “Switzer­land - in aer­i­al photos”

The cal­en­dar is now avail­able for order again via ama­zon*, Cal­ven­do* or in well-stocked book­stores. My avail­able oth­er cal­en­dars you can see here, they are also good as gifts - Christ­mas is clos­er than you think 😉 .

*= Affil­i­ate Link

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