Some of my best pic­tures from Africa, Japan, Venice and Switzer­land are also pub­lished in cur­rent­ly 11 month­ly Wall Cal­en­dars (in land­scape for­mats DIN-A4, DIN A3 and some in Pre­mi­um DIN-A2). Start­ing now, all cal­en­dars are avail­able in the 2024 edition.

All cal­en­dars can be ordered in book­shops, via ama­zon* or from Cal­ven­do*.

Below you can find the title and back pages of the cal­en­dars. By click­ing on the title pages you will be for­ward­ed to the cor­re­spond­ing prod­uct pages of amazon*.

In addi­tion, select­ed pic­tures of my cal­en­dars from Kenya, Tan­za­nia and from my Japan cal­en­dar are now avail­able as can­vas prints* in sizes up to 120x80cm and some also as 1000 piece puz­zles*.

Venice - From dusk till dawn

Beau­ti­ful pic­tures from Venice, the city of palaces, canals and bridges. Away from the mass­es of vis­i­tors and out­side the vis­it­ing hours of the day tourists, the lagoon city seems to be fall­en out of time. In 13 atmos­pher­ic pic­tures, the proud city shows itself in the glo­ry of the past cen­turies. You can see more pic­tures of Venice in my Gallery.

Burano - the colourful island

Bura­no, the small island in the lagoon of Venice is known for its colour­ful hous­es. Leg­end says that the colours were used by the fish­er­men to find their way home on fog­gy days - or when they were drunk. The colours of the hous­es are not cho­sen arbi­trar­i­ly. For cen­turies it has been estab­lished that a new coat of paint must be applied for at the author­i­ties and the colour must be agreed upon. You can see more pic­tures of Venice in my Gallery.

African Cats in impressive portraits

A high­light of a safari in Africa is the sight­ing of the big cats. At times, this allows for par­tic­u­lar­ly expres­sive shots of the beau­ti­ful ani­mals at a close range. This cal­en­dar con­tains 13 impres­sive large-for­mat and high-res­o­lu­tion por­traits of these fas­ci­nat­ing ele­gant ani­mals in their nat­ur­al habi­tat. All of them were tak­en in the Masai Mara in Kenya, Africa’s most ani­mal-rich game reserve.

Leopards in the wild

Leop­ards are the most beau­ti­ful cats of prey in Africa. Since they are lon­ers and most­ly hid­den in bush­es, they are dif­fi­cult to find. This cal­en­dar con­tains unique pic­tures of these fas­ci­nat­ing ani­mals in the wild. All pho­tos were tak­en in the wild in Kenya and Tanzania.

Safari in Kenya

Impres­sive pic­tures of wild ani­mals and land­scapes of south­ern Kenya. All pic­tures were tak­en dur­ing an 14-day safari in south­ern Kenya (Amboseli nation­al Park, Lake Naku­ru, Lake Naivasha, Lake Bogo­ria and in the Masai Mara.

Masai Mara (2025 version not yet available)

Expes­sive pho­tographs of wild ani­mals and land­scapes of East Africa. All pic­tures were tak­en dur­ing a 5-day safari in the Masai Mara Game Reserve in August 2013. The Masai Mara ist one of the regions of Africa with the rich­est pop­u­la­tions of wild ani­mals. It is famous for the “Great Migra­tion” from the serengeti with hun­dreds of thou­sands of wilde­beests and zebras cross­ing the mara riv­er each year.


Expres­sive pic­tures of ani­mals and land­scapse of Kenya, Afri­ka. All pic­tures were tak­en dur­ing a safari in August 2013 in Sam­buro, Sweet­wa­ters, Nakuro, Naivasha and Mas­sai Mara.

Japan - Shrines, Temples, Metropolises
(2025 version not yet available)

Japan, one of the most high­ly devel­oped and mod­ern coun­tries of the world, has also mar­velous land­scapes and a long his­to­ry with many old shrines, tem­ples and cas­tles. This Cal­en­dar con­tains pic­tures of some worth see­ing facets of this won­der­ful and exot­ic coun­try. The pic­tures were tak­en dur­ing a two week trip in the region of Osa­ka, Kyō­to, Hiroshi­ma, Tokyo and Mt. Fuji. Fur­ther infor­ma­tions about Japan can be found in our Japan-trav­el­ogue, more pic­tures in the gallery.

Japan - between tradition and modernity

Japan had already impressed us on our first trip in 2014. We there­fore vis­it­ed the coun­try again at the begin­ning of 2023, this time under the guid­ance of our daugh­ter, who now learns the lan­guage. The pic­tures were tak­en dur­ing a 2 1/2-week round trip to Tokyo, Kyō­to, Hiroshi­ma and Mount Fuji. You can find more pic­tures of this trip in the gallery, and exten­sive fur­ther infor­ma­tion in my exten­sive trav­el report.

Switzerland - in aerial photos

This is the sequel to my suc­cess­ful cal­en­dar “Switzer­land - Engadin and Bergell”. This time all 13 shots of this cal­en­dar were tak­en from the air with DJI drones. Some images from the cal­en­dar are addi­tion­al­ly avail­able as can­vas prints* or 1000 piece puz­zles*. Here is a small pre­view of the includ­ed images:

Costa Rica - Tropical Paradise

In March of 2024, we vis­it­ed North and South Amer­i­ca for the first time. This time our des­ti­na­tion was Cos­ta Rica in Cen­tral Amer­i­ca. We made a roundtrip with our own 4x4 vehi­cle from the Caribbean Sea through the moun­tain­ous cen­ter to the Pacif­ic coast. Some pic­tures of the trip can be found in my Cos­ta Rica gallery, and I have also writ­ten a detailed trav­el report about this fan­tas­tic trip. Here is a small pre­view of the pictures:

(* = Affil­i­ate link)